TẬP SAN PHẬT HỌC TỊNH QUANG: TỪ SỐ 1 (2006) - ĐẾN SỐ 30 (2016)

TẬP SAN PHẬT HỌC TỊNH QUANG: TỪ SỐ 1 (2006) - ĐẾN SỐ 30 (2016)
TẬP SAN PHẬT HỌC TỊNH QUANG: TỪ SỐ 1 (2006) - ĐẾN SỐ 30 (2016)

Saturday 29 October 2022




Thursday, October 27, 2022

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From: VP. PHAT-HOC TINH-QUANG CANADA <cutranlacdao@yahoo.com>
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Cc: Ty-Khuu Thich-Chan-Tue <cutranlacdao.2010@gmail.com>; Ty-Khuu Thich-Chan-Tue <cutranlacdao.2011@gmail.com>; Nhóm Thân Hữu VP.PHAT-HOC TINH-QUANG CANADA <vp.phtq.canada.2016@gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, October 29, 2022 at 04:45:50 p.m. EDT
Subject: Cuộc vui chơi 146 chết - 100 bị thương ở Seoul Korea - CÓ PHƯỚC TAI QUA - VÔ PHƯỚC THƯƠNG VONG


Con hẻm tử thần trong vụ giẫm đạp ở Hàn Quốc

Con hẻm bên cạnh khách sạn Hamilton đã trở thành tử địa khi đám đông chen lấn trong đoạn đường vốn chỉ đủ cho 5-6 người lớn đi cùng lúc.

Đám đông tối 29/10 chen lấn, xô đẩy trong con hẻm nhỏ bên cạnh khách sạn Hamilton, vốn là hướng di chuyển chủ yếu của người dân khi vui chơi ở Itaewon, nối giữa phố ẩm thực quốc tế vào trục đường chính dẫn đến cổng số 1 của ga tàu điện ngầm.Nhân chứng cho biết một số người vấp ngã trên đường dốc, gây ra ùn tắc, trong khi đám đông tiếp tục chen về phía trước. Nhiều người bị chèn ép đến mức không thể nhúc nhích. Video: Twitter/Rafael Grullón.Nhiều lớp người ngã đè lên nhau. Cảnh sát, nhân viên cứu hộ và người dân cố gắng giải cứu những người bị nèn chặt trong con hẻm. Video: Twitter/@mashsomethingyo.

Cảnh sát phong tỏa con hẻm trong khi các thành viên đội cứu hộ đưa nạn nhân ra ngoài. Thảm kịch khiến ít nhất 153 người chết và hơn 100 người bị thương.

Trước dịp Halloween, mạng xã hội Hàn Quốc tràn ngập bài đăng của các câu lạc bộ đêm và quán bar quảng cáo sự kiện và chương trình khuyến mãi. Một số câu lạc bộ nổi tiếng nhất còn kết hợp tổ chức các buổi biểu diễn đặc biệt. Khoảng 100.000 người đã đổ về phố Itaewon trong tối 29/10.

Hẻm dài khoảng 45 m và rộng 4 m, chỉ vừa đủ cho 5-6 người trưởng thành đi cùng một lúc. Diện tích con hẻm được ước tính hơn 188 m2.

Các sĩ quan cảnh sát thu thập bằng chứng.

"Mọi người cứ xô đẩy mà không nhận ra có người ngã xuống ở phía trước. Tôi cứ tưởng rằng tôi cũng sẽ bị đè chết", một người sống sót nói.

Cảnh sát và các nhân viên lực lượng khẩn cấp túc trực trong con hẻm từ đêm 29/10 tới rạng sáng 30/10.

Trong khi giẫm đạp đang diễn ra, các quán bar xung quanh vẫn mở nhạc với âm lượng lớn, khiến tiếng kêu cứu và van nài nhau đừng chen lấn lọt thỏm trong tiếng nhạc ầm ĩ.

Tổng thống Hàn Quốc Yoon Suk-yeol ngày 30/10 thị sát hiện trường. Ông ra lệnh treo cờ rủ và tuyên bố quốc tang từ ngày 30/10 tới 5/11.

Người dân đặt hoa tưởng niệm các nạn nhân bên ngoài con hẻm.

"Chính phủ sẽ điều tra kỹ nguyên nhân sự việc và đưa ra quy định để đảm bảo tai nạn tương tự không lặp lại. Lòng tôi nặng trĩu, không thể kìm nén đau thương", ông Yoon phát biểu.

Ảnh: Reuters/AFP/Yonhap.

Hiện trường thảm kịch giẫm đạp khiến 151 người chết ở Hàn Quốc


Hàng nghìn người chen lấn trong con hẻm nhỏ ở phố Itaewon, Seoul, để dự lễ hội Halloween, gây ra thảm kịch giẫm đạp khiến ít nhất 151 người chết.Vụ giẫm đạp xảy ra tại lễ hội Halloween ở quận Iteawon, thủ đô Seoul, đêm 29/10, khi đám đông dồn vào một con hẻm hẹp và dốc cạnh khách sạn Hamilton. Giới chức chưa công bố nguyên nhân khiến đám đông xô đẩy và giẫm đạp tại con hẻm này. Video: Washington Post.

Lễ hội ước tính có khoảng 100.000 người tham gia, sự kiện lớn nhất tại Hàn Quốc trong nhiều năm, kể từ khi các biện pháp hạn chế ngăn Covid-19 được nới lỏng vài tháng trước.

Cảnh sát và lực lượng cứu hộ chăng dây phong tỏa hiện trường, nỗ lực cấp cứu cho các nạn nhân sau vụ giẫm đạp.

Cơ quan khẩn cấp Hàn Quốc nhận được ít nhất 81 cuộc gọi từ người có mặt ở Itaewon, nói rằng họ bị khó thở. Tại hiện trường, lực lượng cứu nạn thực hiện hồi sức tim phổi (CPR) cho ít nhất 50 trường hợp bị ngưng tim.

Nhân viên cứu hộ cứu nạn dùng cáng đưa một nạn nhân ra xe cấp cứu.

Choi Cheon-sik, quan chức Cơ quan Cứu hỏa Quốc gia Hàn Quốc, nói hơn 400 nhân viên cứu hộ, 140 phương tiện khẩn cấp đã được triển khai đến hiện trường để ứng phó.

Hãng tin Yonhap cho biết phần lớn nạn nhân là phụ nữ ngoài 20 tuổi.

Thi thể các nạn nhân thiệt mạng tại hiện trường. Trong cuộc họp báo lúc rạng sáng, giới chức Seoul cho hay ít nhất 151 người thiệt mạng và con số thương vong có thể tiếp tục tăng lên.

Lực lượng khẩn cấp đưa một nạn nhân bị thương trong vụ giẫm đạp lên xe cấp cứu.

Nhân viên khẩn cấp hỗ trợ các nạn nhân tại hiện trường.

Tổng thống Hàn Quốc Yoon Suk-yeol đã triệu tập một cuộc họp khẩn cấp, yêu cầu giới chức nhanh chóng cứu chữa người bị thương, các bệnh viện cần chuẩn bị giường bệnh để giảm thiểu thương vong. Thủ tướng Han Duck-soo yêu cầu các cơ quan liên quan "nỗ lực tối đa" để hỗ trợ các nạn nhân.

Thị trưởng Seoul Oh Se-hoon quyết định kết thúc chuyến công tác tại châu Âu và lập tức trở về thành phố.

Người dân ngồi trên phố sau khi được giải cứu khỏi đám đông chen lấn.

Cảnh sát thành phố Seoul đang lên kế hoạch mở cuộc điều tra về thảm kịch ở Itaewon. Các điều tra viên sẽ rà soát liệu những cơ sở kinh doanh trong khu phố này và các khu vực lân cận có tuân thủ quy định đảm bảo an toàn hay không.

Ý kiến


Nguyễn Đình MùiQuá khủng khiếp. Đây là lí do không bao giờ mình tham gia hoặc đi xem các lễ hội, đi những nơi mà có nguy cơ xảy ra chen lấn xô đẩy như : cutdown, lễ chùa vào dịp đầu năm....

246Trả lời13h trướcVi phạm

3 trả lời

khacha tranHồi chuông cảnh báo cho giới trẻ, khg riêng gì Hàn Quốc mà cho cả thế giới

151Trả lời14h trướcVi phạm

2 trả lời

thoaidanglongxuyenChia buồn cùng nước bạn. Và cũng là hồi chuông cho các lễ hội nơi công cộng nên tổ chức dàn trải ra nhiều điểm đến. Nhất là sau đại dịch, nhu cầu tham dự các lễ hội dường như sẽ luôn tăng đột biến hơn mọi năm.

84Trả lời19h trướcVi phạm

Trai Tân Tìm VợPhố đi bộ cũng có 2 mặt, nếu đông người quá mà sảy ra hỗn loạn dẫm đạp thì đúng là Thảm Hoạ

77Trả lời15h trướcVi phạm

3 trả lời

trongpatrickchỗ nào đông tụ tập nên tránh xa 

56Trả lời

llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllBodies line the streets of Seoul after Halloween crush horror: At least 146 dead and 150 more injured as bystanders desperately perform CPR in harrowing scenes 'sparked as thousands rushed to see celebrity at local bar'

  • WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: At least 146 have died on a Seoul Street amid Halloween celebrations
  • Tens of thousands of revellers packed into a narrow alleyway in the South Korean capital before the stampede
  • They became trapped and were crushed, with dozens suffering cardiac arrest, but no figure has been  given
  •  There have been numerous reports of multiple fatalities in the tragedy, not yet officially confirmed 
  • One witness described the scenes at the height of the crush: 'People were layered on top of others like a tomb'

A massive stampede has left at least 146 people dead and hundreds more injured after a fatal crush amongst a 100,000-strong crowd on a narrow street during Halloween festivities in the South Korean capital Seoul.

An official from the National Fire Agency initially said around 100 people were injured during the deadly crowd surge on Saturday night in the Itaewon leisure district of Seoul.

It is believed that hundreds of thousands had gathered in Itaewon, Seoul to attend the city's 2022 Halloween Festival, but a crush occurred shortly after 10pm local time. 

Officials had previously confirmed that dozens of people went into cardiac arrest and the number of deaths is expected to rise. Hundreds more were injured. 

Photos from the scene appear to show at least 25 bodies on the ground, concealed by yellow blankets. A separate line of bodies covered in blue blankets has also been photographed.

According to local emergency responders, many of the victims were women in their 20s. 

Officials added it was believed that people were crushed to death after a large crowd began pushing forward in a narrow alley near Hamilton Hotel, a major party spot in Seoul.

Police said dozens of people are being given CPR on Itaewon streets while many others have been taken to nearby hospitals. One witness described the height of the crush as a 'tomb'.

Photographs and videos on social media show horrific scenes of panic in the aftermath of the crush, and people's desperate efforts to evade the tragedy. 

One particularly distressing video showed dozens of people struggling to breathe and stay on their feet in the crowd as rescue workers attempted to extricate those most in need of medical assistance from the stampede. 

Emergency workers urgently try to extricate those most in need of medical assistance from the crowd

    Emergency workers urgently try to extricate those most in need of medical assistance from the crowd

    Pools of blood can be seen on Seoul's streets alongside the remnants of Halloween costumes
      Piles of personal belongings and clothing have built up around the area

        Piles of belongings and dried pools of blood litter the streets of the capital in the aftermath of the crowd surge

        Emergency workers remove a body from the streets of Seoul after a deadly crush is confirmed to have killed at least 146 people

          Emergency workers remove a body from the streets of Seoul after a deadly crush is confirmed to have killed at least 146 people

            Dozens of people have reportedly died after a huge crush in the South Korean capital Seoul 

            An exhausted young woman is carried away from the scene to safety after becoming caught up in the night's events

              An exhausted young woman is carried away from the scene to safety after becoming caught up in the night's events

              Rescue workers and firefighters try to help injured people near the scene in Seoul, South Korea

                Rescue workers and firefighters try to help injured people near the scene in Seoul, South Korea

                Revelers dressed in Halloween costumes are seen leaving the scene after a crush killed at least 146 people in Seoul

                  Revelers dressed in Halloween costumes are seen leaving the scene after a crush killed at least 146 people in Seoul 

                  The scale of the emergency response in Seoul has seen emergency workers called from across the country, including 140 ambulances

                    The scale of the emergency response in Seoul has seen emergency workers called from across the country, including 140 ambulances

                    Emergency workers stand waiting with stretchers for more casualties to be removed from the area as police guard victims from view

                      Emergency workers stand waiting with stretchers for more casualties to be removed from the area as police guard victims from view

                      Police officers examine objects on the floor in the aftermath of the crush
                        Large areas of Itaewon, Seoul's party district, have since been cordoned off by police

                          Police officers have begun to investigate the circumstances which led up to the tragedy in Seoul on Saturday night

                          The party district in South Korea was packed with people celebrating Halloween for the first time since the coronavirus pandemic

                            The party district in South Korea was packed with people celebrating Halloween for the first time since the coronavirus pandemic

                            The bodies of victims, believed to have suffered from cardiac arrest, are covered with sheets in the popular nightlife district of Itaewon in Seoul

                              The bodies of victims, believed to have suffered from cardiac arrest, are covered with sheets in the popular nightlife district of Itaewon in Seoul

                              At least 25 bodies appear to be lying on the ground in this image taken from the scene in the aftermath of the incident

                                At least 25 bodies appear to be lying on the ground in this image taken from the scene in the aftermath of the incident

                                Emergency workers treat some of those injured in the crush, covering them with foil blankets to keep them warm

                                  Emergency workers treat some of those injured in the crush, covering them with foil blankets to keep them warm

                                  Police officers are already in the process of gathering evidence and collecting people's belongings which were left on the ground

                                    Police officers are already in the process of gathering evidence and collecting people's belongings which were left on the ground

                                    More than 400 emergency workers have been deployed to the scene including drivers of 140 ambulances

                                      More than 400 emergency workers have been deployed to the scene including drivers of 140 ambulances

                                      Police cordoned off a wide area as victims of the incident received medical care
                                        Emergency service vehicles lined the streets of Seoul as 140 ambulances were deployed

                                          An official from the National Fire Agency said around 100 people were injured during the deadly crowd surge

                                          Scenes of shock and horror followed the fatal crush amongst those caught up in the crowd

                                            Scenes of shock and horror followed the fatal crush amongst those caught up in the crowd

                                              Onlookers stand shocked as emergency service workers cordon off the streets close to where the crush occurred

                                              All types of emergency workers rushed to the scene in a desperate bid to save the lives of those involved

                                                All types of emergency workers rushed to the scene in a desperate bid to save the lives of those involved

                                                Rescue workers carry an injured person to the hospital in Seoul. Temporary tents have been set up by emergency services around the capital to treat those wounded in the crowd

                                                  Rescue workers carry an injured person to the hospital in Seoul. Temporary tents have been set up by emergency services around the capital to treat those wounded in the crowd

                                                  A woman caught up in the horrifying incident is helped by emergency workers, who appear to be taking her to receive medical treatment

                                                    A woman caught up in the horrifying incident is helped by emergency workers, who appear to be taking her to receive medical treatment

                                                    One man was pictured climbing an almost flat wall high above the crowd to escape the panic beneath him. 

                                                    Video on social media showed dozens of motionless figures lying on the ground in the aftermath of the incident while dozens more emergency workers and members of the public worked intensely around them.

                                                    Most of the figures were being given CPR and are thought to have had cardiac arrests. 

                                                    Social media footage showed hundreds of people packed in the narrow, sloped alley crushed and immobile as emergency officials and police tried to pull them to free. 

                                                    A Reuters witness said a make-shift morgue was set up in a building adjacent to the scene. About four dozen bodies were carried out later on wheeled stretchers and moved to a government facility to identify the victims, according to the witness. 

                                                    Choi Seong-beom, chief of Seoul's Yongsan fire department, said the death toll could rise as emergency workers were continuing to transport the injured to hospitals across Seoul following the stampede in the leisure district of Itaewon on Saturday night. 

                                                    He added an unspecified number among the injured were in critical conditions following the stampede in the leisure district of Itaewon Saturday night.

                                                    The stampede took place around 10.20pm (1300 GMT) and according to Choi many of the victims were trampled to death.

                                                    'The high number of casualties was the result of many being trampled during the Halloween event,' Choi said, adding that the death toll could climb.

                                                    He said that many of those killed in the incident were young women in their 20s.

                                                    Hundreds of police officers had been deployed to the area in advance of Saturday night in anticipation of the large crowds, but they were reportedly struggling to keep control in the minutes before the tragedy unfolded. 

                                                    Thousands of people piled into the narrow alley where they became trapped, causing many to suffer from cardiac arrest as they were crushed

                                                    Thousands of people piled into the narrow alley where they became trapped, causing many to suffer from cardiac arrest as they were crushed

                                                    At least 100,000 people headed to the Halloween Festival in Seoul, creating a large crowd which ultimately ended in tragedy

                                                      At least 100,000 people headed to the Halloween Festival in Seoul, creating a large crowd which ultimately ended in tragedy

                                                      Emergency services rushed to the scene where they said at least 100 were injured

                                                        Emergency services rushed to the scene where they said at least 100 were injured 

                                                        At least 50 people are thought to have gone into cardiac arrest during the incident, but no official number has been confirmed

                                                          At least 50 people are thought to have gone into cardiac arrest during the incident, but no official number has been confirmed

                                                          Paramedics treat some of those caught up in the stampede in the minutes after the incident

                                                            Paramedics treat some of those caught up in the stampede in the minutes after the incident

                                                            Harrowing seconds before Halloween horror stampede in Seoul
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                                                            The most deadly crowd stampedes in the last 30 years

                                                            April 1989: Ninety-six people are killed and at least 200 injured in Britain's worst sports disaster after a crowd surge crushed fans against barriers at the English F.A. Cup semi-final match Hillsborough stadium in Sheffield.

                                                            July 1990: Inside Saudi Arabia's al-Muaissem tunnel near the Muslim holy city of Mecca, 1,426 pilgrims are crushed to death during Eid al-Adha, Islam's most important feast, at the end of the annual haj pilgrimage.

                                                            May 1994: A stampede near Jamarat Bridge in Saudi Arabia during the haj kills 270 in the area where pilgrims hurl stones at piles of rocks symbolising the devil.

                                                            April 1998: One hundred and nineteen Muslim pilgrims are crushed to death during the haj in Saudi Arabia.

                                                            May 2001: In Ghana, at least 126 people are killed in a stampede at Accra's main soccer stadium when police fire tear gas at rioting fans in one of Africa's worst soccer disasters.

                                                            Feb 2004: A stampede kills 251 Muslim pilgrims in Saudi Arabia near Jamarat Bridge during the haj ritual stoning of the devil.

                                                            Jan 2005: At least 265 Hindu pilgrims are killed in a crush near a remote temple in India's Maharashtra state.

                                                            Aug 2005: At least 1,005 people die in Iraq when Shi'ites stampede off a bridge over the Tigris river in Baghdad, panicked by rumours of a suicide bomber in the crowd.

                                                            Jan 2006: Three hundred and sixty-two Muslim pilgrims are crushed to death at the eastern entrance of the Jamarat Bridge when pilgrims jostle to perform the haj stoning ritual.

                                                            Aug 2008: Rumours of a landslide trigger a stampede by pilgrims in India at the Naina Devi temple in Himachal Pradesh state. At least 145 people die and more than 100 are injured.

                                                            Sept 2008: In India, 147 people are killed in a stampede at the Chamunda temple, near the historic western town of Jodhpur.

                                                            July 2010: A stampede kills 19 people and injures 342 when people push through a tunnel at the Love Parade techno music festival in Duisburg, Germany.

                                                            Nov 2010: A stampede on a bridge in Cambodia's capital, Phnom Penh, kills at least 350 people after thousands panic on the last day of a water festival.

                                                            Jan 2013: More than 230 people die after a fire breaks out at a nightclub in the southern Brazilian college town of Santa Maria, and a stampede crushes some of the victims and keeps others from fleeing the fumes and flames.

                                                            Oct 2013: Devotees crossing a long, concrete bridge towards a temple in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh panic when some railings break, triggering a stampede that kills 115.

                                                            Sept 2015: At least 717 Muslim pilgrims are killed and 863 injured in a crush at the haj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia.

                                                            April 2021: At least 44 people are crushed to death at an overcrowded religious bonfire festival in Israel in what medics said was a stampede.

                                                            Nov 2021: At least nine people are killed and scores injured in a crush at the opening night of rapper Travis Scott's Astroworld music festival in Houston, Texas, triggered by a surge of fans pushing toward the stage.

                                                            Jan 2022: At least 12 Hindu pilgrims died and more than a dozen are injured in a stampede at the Mata Vaishno Devi shrine in Kashmir during events to mark the New Year.

                                                            Jan 2022: A stampede at a church on the outskirts of Liberia's capital Monrovia killed 29 people during an all-night Christian worship event.

                                                            May 2022: At least 31 people die during a stampede at a church in Nigeria's southern Rivers state, after people who turned up to receive food at the church broke through a gate.

                                                            Oct 2022: A stampede at a soccer stadium in Indonesia kills at least 125 people and injures more than 320 after police sought to quell violence on the pitch, authorities said. 

                                                            UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak paid his condolences to people in South Korea as he described the news coming out of the country as 'horrific'. 

                                                            He said: 'Horrific news from Seoul tonight.

                                                            'All our thoughts are with those currently responding and all South Koreans at this very distressing time.' 

                                                            French President Emmanuel Macron joined Mr Sunak, tweeting: 'Heartfelt thoughts with the residents of Seoul and for all Koreans this evening after the tragedy in Itaewon.

                                                            'France is by your side.' 

                                                            Meanwhile Tottenham Hotspur also put out a statement in light of the tragic incident. One of their star players, Son Heung-min, is originally from South Korea.

                                                            The Yonhap news agency in South Korea  quoted an unidentified witness as saying he saw victims crushed to death.

                                                            'People were layered on top of others like a tomb. Some were gradually losing their consciousness while some looked dead by that point,' the witness said, according to Yonhap.

                                                            He said 74 of the dead have been sent to hospitals while the bodies of the remaining 46 who had been kept on the streets were being transported to a nearby gym so that workers could identify them.

                                                            Officials say people were crushed to death after a large crowd began pushing forward in a narrow alley near Hamilton Hotel, a major party spot in Seoul.

                                                            More than 800 emergency workers and police officers from around the nation, including all available personnel in Seoul, were deployed to the streets to treat the injured.

                                                            The National Fire Agency separately said in a statement that officials were still trying to determine the exact number of emergency patients.

                                                            TV footage and photos from the scene showed ambulance vehicles lined up in streets amid a heavy police presence and emergency workers moving the injured in stretchers.

                                                            Emergency workers and pedestrians were also seen performing CPR on people lying in the streets. Multiple people, apparently among those injured, were seen covered in yellow blankets. 

                                                            More than 1,700 response personnel from across the country were deployed, including about 520 firefighters and 1,100 police officers and 70 government workers.  

                                                            Every available worker in the capital was deployed to help. 

                                                            This included 140 ambulances who have rushed to treat people at the scene after thousands headed into a narrow street in the capital's party district. 

                                                            A local police officer said he was also informed that a stampede occurred on Itaewon's streets where a crowd of people gathered for Halloween festivities. The officer requested anonymity, saying the details of the incident were still under investigation.

                                                            Police officers have been pictured beginning their investigations into the incident, including gathering items of interest from the ground. 

                                                            Some local media reports earlier said the crush happened after a large number of people rushed to an Itaewon bar after hearing an unidentified celebrity visited there.

                                                            Videos online appear to show people climbing the walls of the street in order to escape the crush, and being lowered a significant distant to neighbouring streets. 

                                                            Horrific images and videos online show dozens of people lying on the ground with emergency workers and members of the public performing CPR. Some bodies lay on the ground after efforts to revive them had ceased.

                                                            Meanwhile images of lines of bodies on the ground covered by blue and yellow blankets have also emerged. Officials did not immediately release a death toll.

                                                            Among those being treated by emergency workers appeared to be some children. 

                                                            South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol issued a statement calling for officials to ensure swift treatment for those injured and review the safety of the festivity sites. 

                                                            Seoul's mayor Oh Se-hoon is currently out of the country on a visit to Europe but has decided to return home following the news. 

                                                            Emergency workers try to keep casualties warm as they wait to receive medical attention

                                                              Emergency workers try to keep casualties warm as they wait to receive medical attention

                                                                The President of South Korea is said to be holding an emergency meeting because of the incident and has told emergency workers to prioritise the evacuation of people from the area

                                                                The area has been flooded with emergency workers who have arrived from across the nation to help in the tragedy

                                                                  The area has been flooded with emergency workers who have arrived from across the nation to help in the tragedy

                                                                  The scene was chaotic in the period before and after the crush as dozens of people tried to save the lives of those affected

                                                                    The scene was chaotic in the period before and after the crush as dozens of people tried to save the lives of those affected

                                                                    The Itaewon district is a popular hotspot for Halloween celebrations, especially this year as it was the first time the Halloween Festival could take place since 2019

                                                                      The Itaewon district is a popular hotspot for Halloween celebrations, especially this year as it was the first time the Halloween Festival could take place since 2019

                                                                      Images from shortly before the stampede show thousands of people packed into a tiny street

                                                                        Images from shortly before the stampede show thousands of people packed into a tiny street

                                                                        He is reportedly already on his way back to South Korea.

                                                                        The city's government have issued an emergency alert to all mobile phones telling people to go home as soon as they can to clear the area. 

                                                                        Local media are reporting that President Yeol chaired an emergency meeting and has ordered that treating and evacuating people from the area should be the top priorities.

                                                                        They added that around 100,000 people flocked to Itaewon streets for the Halloween festivities, which were the biggest in years following the easing of Covid-19 restrictions in recent months. 

                                                                        'You would see big crowds at Christmas and fireworks...but this was several ten-folds bigger than any of that,' Park Jung-hoon, 21, told reporters at the scene. 

                                                                        Authorities are looking into the exact cause of the incident.