Loosening Zippers
What’s worse than a zipper that can’t even make the ‘zzzz’ sound? I’m not talking about snoring, you know. When you have zipper more stubborn than your 16-year-old daughter, just spray some WD-40 on your zipper (not on your daughter) and feel it move with ease.

Loosening Zippers
Removing Stickers From Plates
Speaking of stickers that leave behind nasty residue, plates can have this problem too. You can use hot water, extra strong soap, or a hard scrub, and you might still be left with some stickiness. Try giving them a WD-40 cleaning – just make sure to wash them with water afterwards.

Removing Stickers From Plates
Cleaning Tar Stains
If you haven’t experienced tar stains on your car then you haven’t lived! No, then you’re actually pretty darn lucky because they suck! But if you do happen to find these stains on your automobile, just know that a spray and wipe with WD-40 can take all your problems away.

Cleaning Tar Stains
Removing Rings
Although you might never want to remove your wedding ring, there are occasions when you need to. A ring that has been left on your finger for a very long time can become terribly difficult to remove, unless you have WD-40, that is. Spray your finger and slide that ring right off.

Removing Rings
Removing Gum
Why, oh whyyy do people spit out their gum on the sidewalk? Not only is it rude and disgusting, it is outright selfish. If you fall upon this awful encounter, you should let the gum dry and then spray the underside of your shoe with WD-40 and peel it off.

Removing Gum
Removing Dust From Mosquito Screens
Mosquito screens work wonders on a hot summer’s night when the bugs come out to play. Unfortunately these screens can get mucked up with dust, and that’s not healthy. What you can do is spray the screen with WD-40 and then wipe it well. This treatment should last a good while.

Removing Dust From Mosquito Screens
Polishing Gold And Brass Lamps
Guys, this is the actual Aladdin dream come true… well, sort of. Get out the WD-40 and a cloth and then start wiping your that gold (or brass) lamp you’ve had sitting there. We can’t promise a genie or three wishes, but we can say that you’ll have it shining like never before.

Polishing Gold And Brass Lamps
Cleaning Toilets
Ah, yes. Cleaning the toilet bowl is definitely no fun. It’s a chore that we all abhor, but we must do. What if I told you that there was an easier way to do it that would save you time and effort? Say no more. WD-40 is your solution. You don’t believe it? Give it a try!

Cleaning Toilets
Fighting Off Animals
Garbage cans are a hot spot for little rascals like raccoons and
stray cats. You know what they say? “One man’s trash is another man’s
pest’s treasure.” If you want to keep these animals at bay, spray WD-40
on your outdoor trash cans, and they’ll keep their distance.

Fighting Off Animals
Removing Stubborn Oils
What is it about oil that makes it harder to remove than my worst anxiety-riddled thoughts before I fall asleep? That got personal. WD-40 can really help in this situation… the oil thing, that is. Spray WD-40 on the oil stain and wait a few moments. Then all you need to do is wipe away.

Removing Stubborn Oils
Clearing Drains
A drain that’s clogged up is possibly one of the worst and most frustrating problems you can encounter at home. Instead of complaining about it, take matters into your own hands and spray some WD-40 into the drain. Don’t use that sink for about 20 minutes. You’ll thank me later.

Clearing Drains
Protecting Your Speakers
Getting a good quality stereo system means that you need to take good care of it. A lot of people’s speakers get ruined just because the rubber bits start to crack. What you can do to counteract this is spray a cloth with WD-40 and then gently and lightly wipe over the rubber parts.

Protecting Your Speakers
Protecting Your Car Doors
This next one is quite similar to the previous one. The rubber lining that ensures your car stays dry when it rains is essential. The problem is that with hot and dry weather, this rubber lining can start to crack and eventually break apart. Try wiping it down every few months with WD-40 to keep it strong and solid.

Protecting Your Car Doors
Getting Silly Putty Out Of Furniture
It’s a great parenting technique to let your kids play and explore the world themselves. However, this sometimes means that their toys land up in places they shouldn’t. If you come across a blob of silly putty stuck in the sofa or elsewhere, get your WD-40 spray and easily remove it before it becomes part of the furniture permanently.

Getting Silly Putty Out Of Furniture
Cleaning Piano Keys
There’s something about a grungy looking piano that makes it seem better, but when it’s in your home, you probably want it to be clean and shining. For those keys that have lost their glow, just spray a rag with WD-40 and wipe away the dirt.

Cleaning Piano Keys
Removing Paint From Tiles
Painting a room in your home shouldn’t mean that you then have to work double as hard to clean up all the paint drippings on the floor afterwards. What you can do is just spray those specks and droplets with WD-40 and then swiftly wipe away the mess.

Removing Paint From Tiles
Protects Patio Doors From The Sun
Unfortunately, sun stains are a very real thing and this means that dried spots of water can become a “permanent” part of one’s patio glass doors and windows. As if we have to say what the solution is – spray some WD-40 on the marks and wipe them away for eternity.

Protects Patio Doors From The Sun
Lubricating Metal Latches
When it comes to metal latches, WD-40 can work both as a solution to the rust that builds up there, or as something you can spray on beforehand to prevent rust from ever getting there. That’s what’s so amazing about WD-40, it can be used in so many different ways.

Lubricating Metal Latches
Cleaning Chair Wheels
Having a wheely chair at your desk is one of the greatest sources of fun. However, all the fun quickly disappears when those wheels don’t turn anymore. Your best solution to this annoying problem is to spray the wheels with WD-40 and then to wipe them clean.
Cleaning Chair Wheels
Lubricating Air Holes
It’s really difficult to pump up the air in your car or bicycle tires if the nozzles are blocked or rusted. Not only is it difficult, but it is detrimental to their lifespan. So to prevent this from happening, you can simply give a WD-40 spray on these parts.

Lubricating Air Holes